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Our Greyhounds

We have been lucky to share our lives and our home with many wonderful Greyhounds. 



GCh DC Windrock Batoutahellius MV LCX2 FCh GRC BCAT 

Sonic set many records during his competitive careers on the field and in the ring, and is the dog behind every one of our wonderful Greyhounds. 

He is the sire of multiple Grand Champion Dual Champions, Specialty winners, Best In Field winners, and has passed all of his recommended health screenings.


GCh DC Oquirrh SunFleet Sapphire SC CA BCAT

Cyan was a 'baby prodigy' on the lure coursing field, and finished her Field Championship and Senior Courser titles at the 2019 NLCC. She finished her Grand/Dual Championship with multiple Specialty wins and BOB majors, and is the mother of our second litter, with many of her pups already titled in multiple venues. 

She has completed all the testing required for OFA CHIC.

Cyan loves to RUN and the loves 'catching the bunnies'


GCH DC Oquirrh Lapis Lazuli SC CA BCAT

Lapis finished his Grand Championship and Dual Championships with multiple BOB and Specialty wins in the ring, and multiple Best in Field wins in lure coursing.

He has completed all required tests for OFA CHIC and is just a few trials away from his Master Courser title.


CH Oquirrh Thunderbird SC BCAT

Terra is just one point away from her Dual Championship, and is a BIF winner on the field, and finished her Conformation Championship with 4 majors, all from the Bred-By Exhibitor class.

She has completed all required tests for her OFA CHIC and will be lightly shown as a special, while we focus on her lure coursing career in 2024.

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